Visual depth & perspective Photography MasterClass II. (Practice)

Visual depth & perspective Photography MasterClass II. (Practice)

Author: B. BoNo Novosad
Category: MasterClass
Includes: PDF, ePub, Kindle (Learn more...)
This e-book will be released during upcoming days. Please contact us for more information.
About e-book

This e-book is a set of exercises on creating the spatial perception and on capturing the perspective in the photographic image. The author uses visual exercises and pictorial instructions to answer the questions and ambiguities from the theoretical explanations of how to capture the three-dimensional world in a two-dimensional photographic image. Through examples in pictures and step-by-step visual exercises he will guide you to perceive the reality and capture it properly in a two-dimensional image. In the same way he will guide you to the creation of the perfect perspective in a photographic image. The author transfers the knowledge from the theoretical explanations to the visual examples in pictures. He asks simple questions, answers them using the examples in pictures and makes use of pictorial instructions.

This workbook trains the practical skills on the following topics:
- The techniques of creating a perfect two-dimensional photographic image
- The correct choice of properties and the work with a camera lens for capturing the perspective in the image
- The use of graphical symbols to support the spatial perception in practice
- The master techniques to capture architecture, landscape, still life and product photography

With the practical exercises from this e-book on space and perspective in photographic image you will reach to the top of the photographic knowledge