Working with natural light Photography MasterClass V. (Practice)

Working with natural light Photography MasterClass V. (Practice)

Author: B. BoNo Novosad
Category: MasterClass
Includes: PDF, ePub, Kindle (Learn more...)
This e-book will be released during upcoming days. Please contact us for more information.
About e-book

This e-book is a set of exercises on the effects of the natural light in digital photography. This ingenious collection of exercises will teach you in an easy way to work with the natural light. With the knowledge about the effects of daylight you will be able to create in practice the natural effect of light in outdoor as well as indoor photography. The effect of the natural light on photographs will be exactly according to your ideas.
The author is familiar with the problems of the students-photographers working with the daylight in the exterior and interior. He answers the questions and ambiguities from the theoretical explanations of the effects of light using visual exercises and step-by-step pictorial instructions. The workbook contains exercises with detailed keys to help you understand the examples in pictures.

This workbook trains the practical skills on the following topics:
- Techniques of work with the daylight – properties of light in colour rendition (the white balance)
- Practical measuring of the effects of the natural light – the correct exposure in exterior and interior
- Working with natural light and modification of the light conditions at the photographed scene
- Techniques of work with the daylight in practice – proper illumination of a model, landscape photography, how to create an impressive light ambiance in the product photography

With the practical exercises from this e-book on the effects of natural light you will reach to the top of the photographic knowledge